How to Level-Up Your Kids' Snacks

When your child is hungry, it's tempting to reach for the quickest possible snack to satiate them. But since children's diets can be sketchy at best, snack time is a great chance to pack in some powerful nutrition. With the right planning to make sure you have kid-friendly snacks and ingredients on hand, healthy snacking is just a few steps away. Try some of the following ideas:

Be mindful of ingredients. While pre-packaged snacks can be a godsend for busy parents and kids, make sure you take some time to review the ingredients. Look for vitamins, calcium, whole grains and real fruit, and avoid products that are packed with artificial flavors, preservatives, colors and high-fructose corn syrup.

Opt for choices that appeal to kids. Show your kids that healthy snacks can also be delicious. Introduce them to fruit and cottage cheese, trail mix packed with nuts and dried fruit, or colorful smoothies with ingredients like orange juice, bananas and berries—you can even sneak in a few spinach leaves that they'll never notice once blended. 

Pack in the protein. To make sure your kids are staying full between meals and getting the nutrients they need, stock up on snacks that are high in protein, such as yogurt, cheese, lunch meat or peanut butter, provided allergies aren't an issue. 

Make it fun. Kids will gravitate to healthy snacks when there's an element of fun involved. Make a face with bananas and raisins on a nut-butter covered slice of whole-grain bread or get fancy by arranging fruit or cheese chunks on a wooden skewer. Better yet, get your child involved in prepping their meals and snacks—once they're vested in the process, they'll be sure to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Be a role model. Kids learn best from your example, so make sure you also make healthy choices when it comes to snacking. If you suffer through your veggies, chances are they will too! Take the opportunity to show them that the best snacks are nutritious and delicious. 

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